Army Reserve Page
During the 1990s I re-enlisted for 6 years, this time in the reserves (Army National Guard).   As a radio operator and signal systems specialist, I was the person primarily responsible for the smooth flow of communications, from my unit to the next higher level of command.  I was promoted to sargent & served with three types of units during my reserve service; mechanized infantry brigade, a light infantry company in an air assault (helicopter insertion) battalion and the 66th aviation Brigade Washington Army National Guard.   My reserve duty required me to go to 'drills' on weekends (sometimes Thursday nights through Sunday evenings) and for a 21/2 to 3 week period once a year, as well as occasional special assignments or training. My duty assignments included training in Hawaii, JapanKorea, and these active duty (regular army) posts - Ft. Lewis, Washington for PLDC and rotations at the NTC at Fort Irwin, CA.  and for JRTC at Fort Polk, Louisiana as well as the Combat Maneuver Center in Hohenfels, Germany.   Some of the places I trained at during my drills were at Camp Roberts, Fort Ord, CA. (Ft. Ord was closed in 1994) , Camp San Luis Obispo, Fort Hunter Liggett, and Camp Parks which are all in California . 

Camp Roberts
I was assisting with loading of the 50cal machine gun at Camp Roberts, CA.

Camp Roberts
This is at Camp Roberts. We were receiving instruction on how to fire the 50 caliber machine gun, here I'm aiming it. I scored well higher than any f the other personnel but one, including a mechanized infantryman and two armored scouts.

Camp Asaka
This is me at Camp Asaka.                                                        

Mount Fuji background
That's Mt. Fuji in the background

working with 31st inf regt.
I had the opportunity to work with the 31st inf regt. of the JGSDF

with Major AikohMajor Aikoh 2
This is me with Major Aikoh of the 1st airborne brigade with whom I worked at Camp Asaka.

Fort Hunter Liggett
Here I'm operating the SINCGARS B series radio at Fort Hunger Ligget, which is a very damp
place (during winter) near the central coast of California.

In Hawaii
Aloha! Here I am at my unit's headquarters on the windward side of Oahu.

Click here to see more photos of me while in Hawaii.

with another radio operator
Here's a picture of me and Specialist Ramirez, the FSO's (the guys
who direct artillery fire) RTO, with whom I worked alot near
Shugart Village (JRTC) Ft. Polk, LA. We performed LP/OP
duties together, sat in the same foxhole a couple times and I
provided assistance and support to his superior Lt. Bradley with
whom we had fun b.sing at night during radio watch etc. At JRTC
I also worked with some FO's (artillary observers) from the Indiana
National Gaurd's 38th infantry Division, Specialist 4 Jason Wilson
and SSgt. Cokely in 'the box'. Except for that MRE (food) mess they
left on the last day in the field, I really enjoyed working with them.

You can barely make out the antenna, in my rucksack, behind me.

for more JRTC pictures click here


Communications section
Here's me with the battalion communications communication section of my battalion headquarters. SSgt Bartee (the bn commo chief) is the one holding the Jack Daniels.
This was the last month they were all together beacuse spec Cooper was transfering, SSgt. Bartee moved to another state and specialist Nichol's service contract would
expire in a couple months. Sgt Anaya would also leave the service the following year. Because commanders need to communicate to command their units, 'commo' positions
are very stressfull to be in. When everything is working and conditions are optimal no one even notices you're existence but whenver they're down, it's your head even
if it's because of weather conditions or malfunctioning equipment. I was given an award for being the best communications chief (and only one not killed) of my battalion.
Though to be fair Charlie company & Delta Company had good commo guys and Alpha did alright considering none of their guys were signal qualified.


click here to see photos of me rappelling at Fort Hunter liggett
and my unit rappelling at Camp Parks.


This is a shot of the group I attended PLDC (the academy soldiers must complete to become promoted to sargent) with at Fort Lewis, WA.  To my right is, Sgt. Bautista the academy honor grad. Our squad, 2-2, was the best of the 6 at the academy, with the highest test scores, 3 participants for the honor grad slot (Sgt. Toupal, second row to my left and Sgt Flores to Sgt Bautista's right were the other two), the most soldiers to complete the course and two of our members sang the national anthem during the graduation ceremony. All largely due to the ability of our group to tap into each other's talents, cooperate despite some personal animosities and our instructors SFC Paul Hardage and SSgt. Arnette Hardage.

NCO academy
The Ft. Lewis NCO Academy was rated as the best in the entire Army.
It trains corporals in the duties of a sargent. Only those who graduate can be promoted.

Impossible City
For those who were involved in Operation Just Cause or have visited Panama, doesn't this look eerily familiar to you?  Well, this is the
view to Ft. Ord's 'Impossible City' Mout (urban warfare) training site. That's Captain Seipmann, my commander, on the right and General Ames helicopter in the sky above the 'city'.

click here to see photos of me and my unit training at Fort Ord's "Impossible City"

Air Assualt